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Kyrgyzstanis must submit fingerprints, pass examination to work in Russia

Starting today, Kyrgyzstanis traveling to Russia to work must undergo a medical examination, as well as the procedure of state fingerprinting and photographing. The press service of the Foreign Affairs Ministry reported.

According to press service, medical examination is a check for consumption of drugs or psychotropic substances without prescription of a doctor, infectious diseases. Migrant workers must undergo an examination by a phthisiatrician, dermatovenerologist, infectious disease doctor, internist and a psychiatrist-narcologist.

In order to undergo dactyloscopy, citizens must personally apply to the territorial departments of internal affairs.

One must have a passport, as well as a certificate of absence of disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Those who have passed the mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing are issued a confirmation document. This procedure is one-time and free of charge, regardless of the number of entries/exits to Russia.

Kyrgyzstanis who come to Russia not for work are subject to mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing, as well as medical examination within 90 calendar days from the date of entry.

Persons under the age of six are exempt from the mandatory procedure.