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Kyrgyzstan starts export of fuel to Afghanistan

Kyrgyzstan began to export fuel to Afghanistan for the first time in 10 years. Pajhwok Afghan News media outlet reports.

As noted, the fuel entered the northern Kunduz province of Afghanistan through the border village and the river port of Sher Khan Bandar.

Matin Yousafzai, head of the Kunduz Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said after many years, fuel imports from Kyrgyzstan had begun. He said the import of fuel via Sherkhan Bandar would not only help reduce the fuel price but would also positively impact the port’s revenue.

Habibaullah Hamkar, Head of Petroleum Products of Kunduz province, informed about a high quality of imported oil and assured the traders of cooperation in importing fuel.

The head of the Association of Oil Traders of Kyrgyzstan Kanat Eshatov told 24.kg news agency that the association is looking into the situation. «It seems that these companies are not members of our association. There is no information yet. We’re finding it out,» he said.
