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President of Kyrgyzstan to adopt decrees on import substitution

The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan considers adoption of presidential decrees on import substitution. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov announced today at a round table on the draft law on public procurement.

According to him, the President will announce the possibilities of the Cabinet of Ministers to issue guarantees, including for governmental purchases, to the companies. This is supply of goods for 300 large projects of national, city and regional importance and about 3,000 projects at the rural level.

«Virtually the entire country will be involved. The main requirement is to comply with Euro standard 5 and to engage in import substitution. If these conditions are met, then in the next 3-5 years, the government will guarantee state procurement of a certain amount of goods from this company,» Akylbek Japarov told.