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Russian deputy proposes to create labor camps for migrants

It is proposed to create labor camps for migrants in Russia. Russian media report.

According to them, State Duma deputy Aleksey Zhuravlev said that the migrant environment is criminalized, and this problem can be solved by creation of labor camps.

«The very posing of the question of establishing elementary order in this area is already causing open aggression on the part of the arrived thugs. The state must urgently deal with neutralization of migration threats,» he said.

According to the politician, it is necessary to adopt a double-contoured Criminal Code, according to which the punishment of foreign criminals is significantly tougher than that of Russian citizens. He argues that «it’s time to put uninvited «guests» in their proper place.»

In addition, Aleksey Zhuravlev proposes to bring labor migration out of settlements in order to send foreign labor resources to large-scale facilities in the regions, for example, to the north of Russia or to Siberia, where «there are not enough own workers».
