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Sadyr Japarov tells what country's authorities are focused on

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov met today with representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations on occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence Day of Kyrgyzstan. Presidential press service reported.

The head of state told the diplomats about creation of a favorable environment for doing business, noting that radical economic reforms have begun in this area, including development of fiscal, transport, logistics, and foreign trade policies.

«At the same time, creation of a digital space is an important component of development. First of all, we started structural reforms in the state system and economy, striving to increase the level of social protection, education and training of qualified specialists, restore the scientific and technical potential and defense capability of the republic,» he said.

According to Sadyr Japarov, Kyrgyzstan focuses primarily on the development and expansion of political, trade and economic ties, security and military-technical cooperation, striving to reach specific agreements on water resources, energy, infrastructure, agriculture, as well as healthcare, education, culture, finances and technology.

«My first visits as president to Moscow, Tashkent, Nur-Sultan, Ankara, Ashgabat and Dushanbe were aimed at resolving these issues. We agreed that we are interested in further development of cooperation with our strategic partners, allies and friendly countries. Also, first of all, we intend to develop closer ties in the Central Asian region with our neighbors and the most powerful states of the world — Russia, China, Turkey, as well as India and Hungary, which have signed agreements on strategic partnership,» he informed.

The President also noted the existing constructive relations with the United States and the European Union, as well as other European countries and leading states of Asia, the South Caucasus, the Near and Middle East, and thanked all allied countries, partners and international organizations for their invaluable support, humanitarian and technical assistance in overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and their participation in the development of Kyrgyzstan.