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Kazakhstan to provide military assistance to Kyrgyzstan

An agreement on gratuitous military-technical assistance has been signed between the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan back in March 2021. Open NLA portal says.

Kazakhstan plans to donate Kyrgyzstan:

  • 6,480 million cartridges of 5.45 mm caliber with PS bullet;
  • 1,000 pieces of 122 mm rockets with high-explosive fragmentation warheads;
  • 2,000 orange smoke ground signal cartridges;
  • 1,000 pieces of 26 mm yellow signal cartridges;
  • 4 posts of auditory interception Vostok-SP;
  • 6 Galaktika rocket launchers;
  • 1 antenna switch Kalina 12 × 80.

As noted, the property is unused and stored in excess.

Earlier it became known that the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan initiated a draft law on the provision of gratuitous military-technical assistance to Tajikistan. It was published for public comment on Open NLA portal until June 17.

The Tajik side began to install a container on a disputed section of the border in Unzhu-Bulak area of ​Chon-Alai district on June 4 at 03.00 am, having penetrated 1 kilometer into the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

Residents of Zhekendi, Kara-Teyit, Kara-Myk, Chuluk and Shibe villages in Chon-Alai district have been evacuated to a school in Daroot-Korgon village.

This is not the first incident on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border. On April 28-29, the military of the neighboring state fired at houses and buildings on the territory of Kyrgyzstan; civilians, including children, were killed as a result of the armed conflict.