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Peaceful march for Constitution to take place in Bishkek

Peaceful march for the Constitution will take place in Bishkek. Activists reported.

In their opinion, silence and inaction of the people resulted in the draft of a new version of the Constitution, which implies a change in the form of government, restricts freedom of speech, and promotes xenophobia.

«Moreover, the deputies of the Parliament, whose powers by law ended in October, propose to hold a referendum on amendments to the Basic Law together with the presidential elections on January 10, 2021,» activists say.

In this regard, the members of Bashta movement expressed extreme concern and called on everyone to unite against the referendum.

The peaceful march will take place on November 22. It will start at 12.00 at the Railway Station at the intersection of Lineinaya Street and Erkindik Boulevard. Then the participants of will march along the boulevard to the parliament building.

Eighty deputies of the Parliament initiated a law on holding a referendum to amend the Constitution. It has been submitted for public discussion on the official website of the Parliament.

The redrawing of the Constitution was originally initiated by Sadyr Japarov. He spoke about this many times. However, the attempt to rewrite the Basic Law was shifted to the deputies of Parliament of the sixth convocation, who, in fact, became illegitimate after October 28, 2020 — their term of office has expired.