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Safe boxes looted in White House offices in Bishkek

Offices and safe boxes have been looted on almost all floors of the White House in Bishkek. Books were of no use to anyone. Photos were sent to 24.kg news agency by a reader.

«The building of the Parliament will require multimillion-dollar expenses for restoration and repair. Our already impoverished budget will bear a tremendous burden to the detriment of vulnerable segments of the population. What have you achieved? Only one — even greater impoverishment of the Kyrgyzstanis,» he wrote.

According to the author of the photo, the looters were looking for valuables. They practically did not touch the libraries in individual offices of officials.

«It’s scary when the people are not educated. Not a single marauder had the idea to simply pick up a book and ask who Nikolay Gumilyov was. Obviously, he has never heard of him,» the reader said.