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Kyrgyzstan develops procedure for sign language interpretation services

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Kyrgyzstan has developed a «Procedure for provision of sign language interpretation services to persons with hearing and speech disabilities». The ministry submitted a draft government decree on its approval for public discussion.

As background statement says, the main purpose of the draft resolution is to ensure access to state-guaranteed sign language interpretation services in cases necessary to protect the rights and interests of persons with disabilities.

Both citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and persons permanently residing in the country and included in the Register of Consumers of Sign Language Interpretation Services have the right to receive guaranteed sign language interpretation services.

According to the Ministry of Labor, as of January 1, 2020, at least 193,700 people with disabilities lived in Kyrgyzstan, more than 5,500 of them are people with hearing disabilities.

It is stipulated that persons with hearing and speech disabilities have the right to receive state-guaranteed sign language interpretation services in the amount of 15 hours per calendar year.

Sign language interpretation services can also be provided at the request of state bodies or institutions, the judiciary in cases necessary to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.