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Queues form on Kyrgyzstan-China border

Queues also formed on the Kyrgyzstan-China border. Expert Tokon Mamytov told today at a round table discussion.

According to him, this is evidence of the growing pain of integration processes. The Eurasian Economic Union is tested for strength.

«It all began with an elementary announcement that exercises are being conducted in the border area. The parties agreed to sign a road map, but they did not sign it. As a result, we were accused of smuggling. First of all, we need to analyze the claims and charges. If the claim is artificially formulated, it must be rejected. But from now on there is no need to give cause for new charges of violations,» Tokon Mamytov said.

He added that the domino principle started acting. «There were already traffic jams on the Chinese-Kyrgyz border. The accusation of our country of smuggling led to the checks by neighboring states,» Tokon Mamytov noted.

Last night, the Kyrgyz Border Service denied the information on the queues on the Kyrgyz-Chinese border. According to it, only on Sunday there was accumulation of about 20 trucks at Irkeshtam and Torugart checkpoints. On October 30, the vehicles crossed the state border, SBS reported.