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Atambayev admits: Kyrgyzstan placed too high hopes on EEU

Kyrgyzstan placed too high hopes on the Eurasian Economic Union. The President of the country Almazbek Atambayev said today at the presentation of credentials.

He told the diplomats about the situation on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border.

"The events on the border showed that we place too much hopes on EEU. We should not deceive ourselves in economic development and rely on the union. Union, which depends on the whim of one person, can not be reliable, even if it is the greatest person in the world, "Almazbek Atambayev said.

He added that fraternal Russia has ever been a strategic partner for Kyrgyzstan.

Recall, since the evening of October 10, there is a large accumulation of heavy trucks at all checkpoints on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border due to strengthened control by Kazakhstan. The situation, despite the negotiation process between the prime ministers of the two countries, remains unresolved.