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Almazbek Atambayev meets with heads of seven states in China

During the working visit to China, the President of Kyrgyzstan met with the heads of seven states, the head of the foreign policy department of president’s office Aizada Subakozhoeva reported.

According to her, the visit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic to the PRC was successful. At the forum One Belt, One Road Almazbek Atambayev made a speech. He noted that the Economic Belt of the Silk Road opens new opportunities and prospects for many countries. He supported the idea of ​​the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping on the digital Silk Road and in this context he expressed the idea of ​​its digital interface with the concept of digital transformation of «Taza Koom.»

During the forum, the President of Kyrgyzstan met with the leaders of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan. He spoke with the Presidents of Switzerland and Chile, the Prime Minister of Hungary and the Executive Director of the IMF.

«As concrete proposals, the president noted the importance of expanding fiber-optic communication lines from China to Europe via Kyrgyzstan, e-commerce and the creation of logistics centers. The project of construction of the China — Kyrgyzstan — Uzbekistan railway was noted as promising. Its goals and objectives are consistent with the goals of the Silk Road Economic Zone in terms of creating alternative transport corridors," Aizada Subakozhoeva said.

As for today’s bilateral meeting between Almazbek Atambayev and Xi Jinping, the leaders noted that the history of the Kyrgyz-Chinese relations has more than one millennium. The Great Silk Road connects our peoples and countries from time immemorial.

The history of friendship, good-neighborliness and mutual cooperation, established in ancient times, has become a solid foundation for modern Kyrgyz-Chinese strategic partnership.

Aizada Subakozhoeva

She said that the President of Kyrgyzstan noted the importance of implementing the full range of agreements reached at the highest level. It is about the implementation of grant and social projects. Chairman of the PRC expressed readiness to continue the assistance and support of the Kyrgyz side in strengthening the economic development of the republic.

«The leaders discussed in detail the establishment of the Kyrgyz-Chinese investment fund, the practical implementation of the project for the construction of the PRC — KyrgyzstanUzbekistan railway. On May 11, the experts of the two countries met, negotiations are going on actively. The leaders instructed the relevant departments to continue their work and conduct research along the routes and sections of the road," Aizada Subakozhoeva stressed.

She added that the heads of state discussed the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation, joint scientific and practical activities. In addition, issues of deepening cooperation in the sphere of security and joint actions to counter terrorism, extremism and separatism were discussed.