USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

415 enterprises produce food, beverages and tobacco products in Kyrgyzstan

At least 415 enterprises produce food, beverages and tobacco products in Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Agriculture provided such data as of the beginning of September 2024.

According to the ministry, 7 of them are in Batken region, 38 — in Jalal-Abad, 28 — in Osh, 25 — in Issyk-Kul, 11 — in Naryn, 4 — in Talas, 136 — in Chui regions, 146 — in Bishkek and 20 — in Osh city.

About 10,813 individual entrepreneurs are also engaged in production of food, beverages and tobacco products.

The share of food industry enterprises in the total volume of processing industry output made up 21.4 percent.

In the period from January to July, industrial enterprises processing agricultural products produced food, beverages and tobacco products for 45,148.1 billion soms in current prices.
