USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Kyrgyzstan plans to reduce customs duties on goods worth more than €200

The Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyzstan is considering reduction of customs duties from 15 to 5 percent on goods exceeding the duty-free import threshold of €200. The ministry reported.

According to it, this step is aimed at reducing the financial burden on citizens and facilitating the conditions for import of goods within the EAEU.

According to the current decision of the EAEU Council dated December 20, 2017, No. 107, duty-free import via mail and express cargo is possible provided that the cost of goods does not exceed €200 or the weight does not exceed 31 kilograms. For goods imported by other transport, the threshold is €500 or 25 kilograms. For air transport, the duty-free import threshold remains at €10,000 and 50 kilograms.

Increased thresholds were in effect until April 1, 2024: €1,000 for postal items and goods transported by all modes of transport except air. Changes in the rules are related to the protection of the internal market of the EAEU and support for local producers.

Recall, MP Dastan Bekeshev proposed to remove customs duties on expensive medicines for personal use.
