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Level of trust in Sadyr Japarov increased from 82.6 to 86.7 percent — survey

The level of trust in President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov has increased from 82.6 to 86.7 percent. These are the results of a sociological survey conducted among the country’s population by the Bishkek State University (BSU) named after K. Karasaev.

The survey was conducted before the upcoming August 31 — Kyrgyzstan’s Independence Day.

The survey demonstrates the changed views and moods of citizens. It allowed obtaining data on the state of affairs in the country.

The population’s trust in Sadyr Japarov has increased from 82.6 to 86.7 percent. This indicates a positive trend in the perception of the activities of the head of state and his team.

from the BSU survey

According to the survey, the majority of respondents noted positive changes in the social and economic sphere. This may indicate that the government is working to improve the living conditions of citizens.

At least 87.5 percent of respondents expressed confidence that the Kyrgyz Republic will become a successful, economically developed country in the next 5-10 years. The highest figure — 89.9 percent — was in the 18-34 age group.
