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Beating of investigator in Kant: Three suspects detained

Young men who beat up a police officer in Kant city have been detained. The press service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Chui region reported.

According to its data, on April 14 at about 4.00 a.m., at the intersection of Gagarin and Zubkov streets in Kant city near Market-24 store, the men from hooligan motives unreasonably caused bodily harm to a citizen, 33. He was hospitalized in the maxillofacial surgery department of the National Hospital with an open fracture of the lower jaw.

A criminal case was opened under article 280 «Hooliganism» of the Criminal Code. All the necessary forensic legal examinations have been scheduled. It was found out that the victim is an investigator of the Investigative Service of the Internal Affairs Department of Issyk-Ata district.

Police officers identified the suspects, who turned out to be citizens, 35, 33, and 35. They were detained and taken to a temporary detention center.

The investigation continues.

Earlier, the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of Chui region informed 24.kg news agency that a policeman was beaten in Kant and his jaw was broken. A criminal case was opened under the article «Hooliganism» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.