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Akylbek Japarov participates in Agrodialogue 2024 Forum

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Japarov took part in the agricultural forum Agrodialogue 2024 and met with representatives of the agro-industrial sector. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

Key aspects of agricultural development in the country, the introduction of innovative technologies, increasing the productivity and quality of agricultural products, development of sustainable practices in the agricultural sector, and much more were discussed during the event.

Akylbek Japarov emphasized that it is necessary to actively introduce and use new methods, technologies, and high-quality seeds in agriculture that give high yields.

He called on farmers to unite and work together, collaborating with large-scale enterprises of processing industry.

«We have capitalized state-owned banks that are ready to finance farmers. We are ready to provide all the necessary equipment for irrigation. The most important thing is the effective united work of farmers. It is necessary to get used to futures contracts. In addition, as part of the program to support low-income families, we will train them to grow broccoli, tomatoes, and breed chickens, which will allow them to earn money,» Akylbek Japarov said.