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Economy Minister calls on Kyrgyzstanis to treat tourists with respect

Minister of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan Daniyar Amangeldiev called on the Minister of Economy and Commerce to treat guests arriving in Kyrgyzstan with respect in order to support the development of the tourism industry. The official’s appeal to compatriots is posted on the ministry’s website.

He cited the example of the UAE and the cities of Turkey, which are visited by about 40 million tourists annually. According to Daniyar Amangeldiev, every foreign student or tourist is a direct investor.

Daniyar Amangeldiev added that the money that every tourist spends is directed to the development of the tourism sector, and emphasized that changing attitudes towards tourists contributes to the progress of the industry. According to him, all developing countries strive to attract a large flow of tourists and create the necessary conditions for this.

The official noted that it is necessary to start with a respectful attitude towards foreign students and tourists, this is what will allow local tourism to attract the attention of the world community. «We must understand that the money left over from each tourist goes to the development of the tourism sector. When we change the attitude towards tourists, the industry will develop,» he said.