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About 30 new social facilities opened in Batken region

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, as part of a working trip to Batken region, took part in the opening of a new school in Ak-Sai village, Batken region. The press service of the head of state reported.

At the same time, about 30 social facilities in the region were opened online:

  • Eight schools;
  • Four kindergartens;
  • Four medical and obstetrical stations;
  • One general medical station;
  • Building of the State Committee for National Security;
  • One gym;
  • One museum;
  • Eleven wells;
  • Two sewing workshops;
  • One irrigation structure;
  • Enterprise for the production of building materials.

The President stated that 500 million soms are allocated annually from the republican budget for the development of Batken region. If previously 62 border villages had a special status, today their number has reached 92. From March 1, 2022, residents of a village that has received a special status are paid 1,000 soms for each child in a family of beneficiaries. At least 2,000 soms were added to the pensions of local residents living at the border.