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Kyrgyzstan determines rules for use of telemedicine

Kyrgyzstan adopted the first legal act regulating the rules of application of telemedicine technologies in the provision of medical and sanitary assistance by health care organizations or persons engaged in private medical practice. The press center of the Ministry of Health reported.

According to its data, the relevant decree was signed on October 31 by Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov.

«Telemedicine technologies can be used for the purposes of prevention, collection, diagnosis, evaluation of the effectiveness of therapeutic and diagnostic measures, monitoring of the patient’s health status and so on,» the ministry noted.

The document also determines requirements for telemedicine information systems, documentation of information on the provision of medical care and areas of responsibility of participants in telemedicine consultations.

«This decision will promote more effective and accessible medical care for the population, especially in remote areas of the country, reduce time and financial costs on the part of the population and increase the development of the country’s healthcare,» the Health Ministry added.