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Iran can provide transit for North - South and East - West corridors

«Iran is ready to provide its transit capabilities for the North — South and East — West corridors,» the First Vice President of Iran Mohammad Mokhber said at a meeting of Heads of Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in an expanded format.

He noted that the development of transport corridors is one of the most important in the sphere of partnership between the SCO states. And Iran is a territory of transit and logistics opportunities that the country is ready to share with its partners in the SCO.

«The North — South and East — West corridors will allow the establishment of trade between the countries of South and Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, the Black Sea and Europe. In addition, we need to switch to trading in national currency and try to increase the use of currency based on new technologies. Cooperation between the SCO states in such areas as energy industry, technology, industry, through the mechanisms of interbank exchanges and financing from the SCO, is relevant,» Mohammad Mokhber stressed.