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Kazakhstan extends fuel export ban for six months

Kazakhstan has extended the ban on the export of oil products by road for six more months. Tengrinews.kz reports.

The ban is imposed on the export of gasoline, diesel fuel and certain types of oil products from the territory of Kazakhstan by road. The exception is lubricating oils, fuel export in gas tanks provided by the manufacturer of motor vehicles.

«The ban does not apply to aviation fuel for conducting research work on the selection of additives, qualification and laboratory testing of samples from a pilot batch for industrial production, approval and / or re-approval of the technology for the industrial production of aviation fuel. But at the same time, the export must be agreed with the authorized body in the field of petroleum products production. There must also be an agreement with an organization authorized to carry out such work, and letters indicating the number of samples and volumes of aviation fuel required for these purposes,» the order says.

The ban on the export of oil products by road was introduced in Kazakhstan on July 12 last year for six months, then it was extended for six months. The Ministry of Energy previously noted that the ban was introduced to ensure the stability and sustainability of the development of the national economy and to prevent a shortage of petroleum products in the country’s domestic market.