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Ulukbek Maripov takes part in KIT forum

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan took part in the Information Technology Forum (KIT) held in Bishkek as part of the Digital Week.

Ulukbek Maripov noted that the 21st century is becoming a period of large-scale trials and contradictions for mankind, when scientific and technological progress is accompanied by the destruction of the planet’s ecosystem, human achievements in space — local military conflicts, development of the world economy — poverty and unemployment, demographic population growth — a lack of drinking water and food.

«All these problems indicate only one thing — it is necessary to reconsider our approaches and views on reality, to unite efforts to develop more civilized standards of cooperation and development, to reconsider the psychology of consumer attitude to nature and its resources. Therefore, such meetings on the most pressing development issues, I think, are extremely important from the point of view of working out joint decisions. Indeed, the new digital reality is rapidly changing the world,» he said.

The head of the Cabinet stressed that the issue of digitalization is under the personal control of the President, as evidenced by the creation of the Supervisory Board on Digitalization. The Agency for the Protection of Personal Data has been created, a basic information environment focused on the social block has been built. Work is underway on the digital transformation of tax and customs authorities and introduction of digital technologies in public administration.

«The state is now ready to create conditions for business by building a competitive environment, open and accessible procedures for joint partnership for the implementation of socially significant and economic projects,» the official said.
