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Kyrgyzstan develops new law on education

The Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan developed a new law on education. The ministry submitted its draft for public discussion.

As the background statement says, formation of the basic laws in the field of education and science took place in the late 1990s. «According to experts, the legislation of the republic in this area was one of the most advanced and liberal in the post-Soviet space. It served as the basis for the formation of a modern education system and creation of a market of educational services,» the document says.

However, after 2005, there was a non-systematic approach to the normative activity in Kyrgyzstan. «The existing normative legal acts, which constitute the backbone of legislation in the field of education and science, as a result of periodic lobbying of various interests and introduction of uncoordinated amendments, came to such a state when they began to directly contradict each other; there were obvious gaps and conflicts. There is no legislative regulation of certain legal relations in this area,» the ministry added.

More than 44 amendments and additions were made to the laws on education, on primary vocational education, on teacher status, on preschool education, on organization of meals for students of general education organizations.

The Ministry of Education added that the state, society, business entities, domestic and foreign investors, international organizations are interested in the educational sector of the republic to work effectively and reliably, providing quality educational services. This requires adoption of a sectoral law.

«The draft law on education should systematically determine the foundations of legislation in educational and scientific activities, establish a clear hierarchy of regulatory legal acts, their relationship with the civil legislation of Kyrgyzstan as a whole,» the statement says.

The document is intended to establish clear rights, obligations and responsibilities of all participants of education and science in their interaction with each other and external actors, to ensure the timeliness of supervision and increase its effectiveness, including on a consolidated basis.

The draft law on education is aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth by the educational system.

The ministry believes that adoption of the law will increase the confidence of the population, internal and external investors in the educational and scientific system, as well as the investment attractiveness of the country.