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Foreign company to invest $ 700,000 in education project in Kyrgyzstan

Kupuev Academy from Osh attracted direct investments of $ 700,000 from AV Frontiers (USA). The private school reported.

It is noted that this is the first time in the country, when a private school was able to attract investment from international institutional investors.

The total funding for the school to date is $ 2.8 million, $ 1.5 million of which are investments. Flexible long-term funding from AV Ventures will allow to build a second campus and increase the total capacity to 600 students. The opening of the new building is planned for the end of 2022.

The school was founded by Kyrgyzstanis Aselia and Mirsaid Kupuevs, who invested their savings in it and attract investors. The volume of own investments amounted to $ 1.3 million. The private school is located in Osh city.