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Kyrgyz manufacturers call smuggling main problem for business

Smuggling of goods has become a major problem for domestic associations and manufacturers in Kyrgyzstan. Erlan Dzhuzupov, President of the Association of Sugar Consumers, announced at a press conference.

According to him, finished products cannot compete with smuggled one in the market.

«We need effective measures and government intervention to ensure fair competition. As for the amendments to a number of laws, in particular introduction of an emergency situation in the economy, — the Cabinet of Ministers will have real levers to fight unfair competition. Business wants the economy to develop. We should not be afraid of the regulatory part, but the state should listen to the voice of entrepreneurs,» he said.

The draft law on emergency situation in the economy was adopted by the Parliament in three readings, but it is changed even after it. So, after criticism of experts, business and deputies, the Ministry of Economy and Finance removed the most scandalous norms. However, business still has questions about the document and the need for its adoption.
