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Al-Maktoum Foundation to build modern educational complex in Kyrgyzstan

Al-Maktoum Foundation will build a modern educational complex in Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the Ministry of Education and Science reports.

The Minister Bolotbek Kupeshev met with a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Mirza Hussain Al Sayegh.

The ministry noted that Al-Maktoum is implementing a number of social and educational projects around the world. The key task of the Foundation is to raise the level of education in the world. Mirza Al Sayegh has the authority to make decisions, identify and implement aid projects in foreign countries on behalf of the Foundation.

Following the meeting, an agreement was reached on construction of a modern educational complex on the territory of Kyrgyzstan with in-depth teaching of STEM education programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

The ministry has chosen a site for the construction of the educational complex, developed a sketch and concept of the Republican Center for Support of Talented Children BILIM, ILIM.

In addition, the Foundation expressed its readiness to assist in organizing sewing courses for single mothers who find themselves in difficult life situations — to gradually provide 50-60 sewing machines. Upon completion of the course, the machines will be transferred to the ownership of the students, and new sewing machines will be purchased for the new course participants. «The ministry is choosing professional lyceums, on the basis of which sewing courses for single mothers will be opened and organized. The Foundation is ready to send the first batch of German-made sewing machines to Kyrgyzstan next week,» the ministry added.

The parties also discussed issues of cooperation in the field of primary vocational education. «A verbal agreement was reached that the Foundation would allocate funds for repair work and providing professional lyceums with the necessary equipment, on the basis of which additional training and retraining courses for required professions will be opened and organized,» the ministry noted.

Following the meeting, the parties signed a Memorandum of understanding. The main areas of cooperation will be the construction and repair of objects of general education and educational organizations, as well as their equipping with material and technical base and necessary furniture.