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Friday prayers allowed in mosques of Kyrgyzstan from June 11

Friday prayers will resume in country’s mosques from June 11. The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan (SDMK) informed 24.kg news agency.

In accordance with the protocol of the operational headquarters for combatting the spread of coronavirus infection, the country’s mosques were allowed to resume the Friday prayers from June 11, 2021.

SDMK reminds: Friday prayers should be carried out in strict compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

  • All believers who come to mosques or prayer rooms are required to wear masks;
  • Servants of the mosques should measure body temperature of those who come to pray;
  • Social distance of 1.5 meters should be strictly observed, the occupancy rate in the mosque should not exceed a half;
  • Handshakes and hugs are prohibited;
  • It is recommended to carry out ablution at home;
  • Small children and the sick are advised to refrain from visiting mosques;
  • All believers are advised not to stay in the mosque for more than 20 minutes.

SDMK calls on Kyrgyzstanis to comply with all the listed requirements.