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Return to schools: Educational institution chooses recommended option

Educational institution itself chooses the recommended option. The head of the Department of Preschool, School and Non-Formal Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan, Marat Usenaliev, told at a briefing.

According to him, the educational process at general education institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, is carried out differentially, taking into account the epidemiological situation.

Marat Usenaliev noted that resumption of work requires permission from local authorities and sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies. «In total, four options were proposed, depending on the epidemiological situation, design capacity of the school, actual number of students, availability of classrooms and other premises for lessons. Each educational institution chooses one of the recommended options,» he said.

Students of 1st-11th grades return to traditional form education at schools with less than 300 students.

Educational institutions attended by 300 — 600 students, at the first stage, resume traditional education for 1st −6th, 9th, 11th grades. Schools located in the red zones, as well as where the number of students is over 600 people resume traditional education for 1st, 5th, 9th and 11th grades.