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Secret room with prostitutes from Kyrgyzstan found in hotel in Turkey

A secret room with prostitutes from Kyrgyzstan and Moldova was found in Turkey. Local newspaper sozcu.com reports.

During an operation, police officers from Trabzon found a passage behind a heating radiator in one of the hotels that led to a secret room. There, according to police officers, the hotel owner hid sex workers during raids.

There were three women. Two of them are citizens of Kyrgyzstan, one is from Moldova. The women were sent to the Migration Service for deportation.

In addition, owners of the hotel were arrested and charged with providing prostitution services.

«Prostitution is legal in Turkey, but only if the brothel has a license. Sex workers at a licensed brothel must be registered and have an identity card, as well as undergo regular medical examinations for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases,» the media outlet says.
