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More than half of antibiotic prescriptions in Kyrgyzstan unfounded

More than a half of the prescription of antibiotics in some hospitals of Kyrgyzstan is unfounded. Deputy Minister of Health Erkin Checheibaev told at a press conference today.

He noted that a week-long campaign on correct use of antibiotics has been held in November in the republic since 2014 to inform the public about the problem of bacterial resistance to antimicrobials.

«Development of microbial resistance is one of the most important health care issues. It carries a biological and economic threat to the whole world. Many diseases become more difficult to treat due to microbial resistance. The duration of treatment is increasing,» said Erkin Checheibaev.

According to him, a long period of almost uncontrolled intake of drugs in health care, veterinary medicine, and agriculture has led to the spread of forms of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.

The fact of high intake of injected antibiotics is alarming in Kyrgyzstan, which further leads to the prescription of stronger antibiotics.

Erkin Checheibaev

The deputy minister recalled that in 2015 the government approved a new procedure for prescribing medicines, which banned over-the-counter sale of antibiotics.

The Kyrgyz Republic is developing a concept for countering the development of antibiotic resistance, he noted.