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Prosecutor General’s Office demands 10 mln soms from Tekebaev's lawyers

Prosecutor General’s Office of Kyrgyzstan demands to recover 10 million soms through court from the lawyers of the leader of Ata Meken party Omurbek Tekebayev as a compensation for moral damage. The lawyers informed 24.kg news agency.

According to them, the hearing was scheduled for March 16. The political organization confirmed the information that the Prosecutor General’s Office sued also two information resources — Azattyk and Zanoza.kg. Three million soms are demanded from each of them. As the Prosecutor General’s Office explained, the agencies published documents that the contraband cargo on the crashed Boeing 747 belonged to the family of the President Almazbek Atambayev.

The editorial office of Zanoza.kg claims that their journalists were not at the press conference, and they reposted the information from other websites.

But these fake documents were published. Therefore, the agency is co-defendant along with Azattyk. AKIpress, where the press conference of Tekebayev’s lawyers was held, is a third party.

Prosecutor General’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic

Prosecutor General’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic

Omurbek Tekebayev was taken into custody until April 25. He is accused of corruption and fraud.

Earlier, he said that the government hides from the people the truth about the cargo that was on board of the Turkish cargo Boeing 747, which crashed on January 16, 2017.
