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EUR 95.66
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Mass food poisoning registered in Bishkek

Mass food poisoning was registered in fast food outlets «Besh Lavash» and «Midos», located at the intersection of Chui Avenue and Suyunbaev Street in Bishkek. The cause of poisoning is shawarma. The Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance reported.

A total of 21 people suffered, 15 people were hospitalized in the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, including two children. The remaining six people are undergoing outpatient treatment.

In the course of the investigation, samples of ready-made shawarma, ingredients and washes were taken for sanitary and microbiological tests.

The fast food outlets were fined 72,000 soms for the detected violations and closed until the violations are eliminated.

The Minister of Health Alymkadyr Beishenaliev held an emergency meeting at the Bishkek State Epidemiological Center on the fact of mass poisoning in the capital.
