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29 people injured during night protests in Bishkek

At least 29 people turned to ambulance teams for medical help on the night of May 18 in Bishkek. Of these, 15 people were taken to the City Emergency Hospital and the National Hospital, the rest were provided with medical aid at the spot, the press service of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan reported.

As of the morning of May 18, there are two patients in the City Emergency Hospital. Diagnosis: closed craniocerebral injury, concussion. The condition of the patients is assessed as relatively satisfactory. One victim, after receiving medical care, was sent for outpatient treatment.

At least 12 victims with various injuries were admitted to the National Hospital; after receiving medical care, 11 people were transferred for outpatient treatment.

The Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic Alymkadyr Beishenaliev visited the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the National Hospital on May 18 and got acquainted with the health condition of the injured citizen of Pakistan, who was diagnosed with a fractured jaw. The patient is prepared for surgery: repositioning of the jaw fracture. The minister instructed the management of the National Hospital to provide all necessary medical care to the victim.

Earlier it was reported about a mass brawl involving foreigners that took place in Bishkek on May 13. The incident occurred in the courtyard of one of the hostels where foreigners live. They beat up several local residents.

A criminal case was initiated under the article «Hooliganism» and three foreign citizens were detained.

About 300 young guys gathered yesterday night at the intersection of 7 April and Ogonbaev streets, who wanted pick a fight with the foreigners. The police set up cordons and attempted to prevent unrest. Some participants of the spontaneous rally were detained.

Social media users also report about an attack on a dormitory with foreign students in Bishkek, but there is no official confirmation of the information from the republic’s law enforcement agencies.
