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Protests against foreigners: Kyrgyzstan asks Pakistan to work with media

Deputy Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Almaz Imangaziev met with Pakistan’s Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Hasan Ali Zaigham. The press service of the Foreign Ministry reported.

The Pakistani side was informed about the incident involving foreign citizens and the measures taken by the law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan to suppress illegal actions and ensure public order.

The Kyrgyz side also appealed to the Pakistani side with a request to conduct explanatory work among representatives of the media in Pakistan about the non-dissemination of false information about the incident.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Almaz Imangaziev assured the Pakistan’s Ambassador that the situation is under the control of the competent authorities of Kyrgyzstan.

A spontaneous protest against foreigners that began last night in Bishkek ended only in the morning of May 18. Police managed to come to an agreement with protesters and they opened Chui Avenue and dispersed a little later. According to the Ministry of Health, 29 people were injured during the protests.
