Deportation of all migrants with criminal records proposed in Russia

14:18, 24 августа 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Aibek SULTANOV

Deputies will next week submit an initiative to the State Duma on deportation of migrants with criminal records from Russia. The Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation Sardana Avksentyeva reported on her Telegram channel.

«I believe that absolutely all migrants with a criminal record, including those that have been expunged or spent, should be expelled from the country without the right to enter and deprived of temporary residence permits and residence permits,» the parliament member said.

She pointed out that currently, according to Russian law, foreigners can enter Russia after their criminal record has been expunged.

Sardana Avksentyeva also drew attention to the spread of so-called prayer houses or religious centers in Russia, organized «virtually without approval, in any place, even an apartment.» She promised to prepare a parliamentary inquiry on this issue.

What other restrictions on migrants are proposed in Russia?

The legislation regarding migrants has been tightened recently in Russia. Here are some of the latest initiatives:

  • It has been proposed to deprive migrants of citizenship for sexual crimes, committing any violent act or coercion to commit sexual acts, the background statement says;
  • It has been proposed to deprive Russian citizenship for infringement on life and the use of violence against a government official;
  • It has been proposed to prohibit labor migrants without Russian citizenship from bringing their families to Russia. It concerns low-skilled specialists, who are in the Russian Federation only on the basis of an employment contract or license and do not have other legal grounds for residing in the country;
  • It has been proposed to prohibit the purchase of civilian firearms of limited damage, hunting weapons, and smooth-bore firearms for self-defense by persons, who have had Russian citizenship for less than ten years.
  • It has been proposed to prohibit migrants from working in schools, hospitals, taxis, and as couriers, if their salary exceeds 100,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that not all such initiatives affect labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan. A single labor market has been created within the Eurasian Union, so Russia cannot limit the rights to work for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic. But it should also be taken into account that not everything is so rosy in reality, and Kyrgyzstanis often face many problems while staying abroad. If such problems arise, you can contact the consulates and embassies of Kyrgyzstan or the hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic. Contact details can be found at the link.