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Blueberries planned to be grown in Baytik village, Chui region

The Department for Expertise of Agricultural Crops and Horticulture is conducting variety testing for blueberries in Baytik village. The press service of the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to the ministry, blueberries have adapted to the weather and climate conditions of Kyrgyzstan. However, there is a necessary condition for growing berries — high soil acidity. Special peat soil is supplied from Belarus.

«Blueberries are a real storehouse of organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts, prices for them are traditionally high. They begin to bear fruit in 3-4 years, and you can get up to 2 tons of berries from 1 hectare at the time. From the sixth year, the average yield increases to 4 tons per hectare, from the seventh year — up to 5 tons,» the Ministry of Agriculture noted.

The plant itself is unpretentious: cold-resistant, withstands severe frosts in early spring, resistant to fungi and other pathogens.
