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Terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall: FSB head tells about investigation

More than 20 people have been detained within a criminal case on the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. The head of the Russian FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, announced today at a meeting of the Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services of the CIS Countries, which is being held in Bishkek.

«The investigation is ongoing. But we can already say with confidence that Ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack,» he said.

According to the director of the FSB, the preparation, financing, attack and withdrawal of terrorists were coordinated via the Internet by members of Wilayat Khorasan, who were located in the Afghanistan-Pakistan zone.

«At the end of the attack, the terrorists received a clear command to move to the Ukrainian border, where a «window» had been prepared on that side,» he claims.

It should be noted that Wilayat Khorasan is recognized as a terrorist organization and is banned in the Russian Federation.

The terrorist attack was committed in Crocus City Hall on March 22. Thousands of people came to the concert of a music band. Four unknown men in camouflage, without masks, entered the building and began shooting people at point-blank range. After that they set fire to the hall. As a result of the terrorist attack, 145 people were killed.