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Sadyr Japarov and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev sign seven documents

The Presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Sadyr Japarov and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held the sixth meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council. The press service of the head of state reported.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized that the Kyrgyz Republic is not just a neighbor for the Republic of Kazakhstan, but a fraternal country and an important strategic partner, and added that during the negotiations in a narrow format, the common goal of strengthening and developing relations between the two states was confirmed.

Sadyr Japarov, in turn, expressed gratitude to the Kazakh side for the humanitarian assistance provided in connection with the breakdown at the Bishkek Heating and Power Plant, and expressed his readiness to support fraternal Kazakhstan in connection with the ongoing large-scale floods in a number of regions of the republic.

During the meeting, the heads of state heard reports from relevant government agencies of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan on the state and prospects of bilateral cooperation in various areas, such as trade and investment, transport and transit, water and energy, as well as culture.

As a result of the negotiations, the following documents were signed:

  • Agreement on deepening and expanding allied relations;
  • Decision of the Interstate Council;
  • Protocol on amendments to the intergovernmental agreement on state border checkpoints, signed on December 25, 2003;
  • Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the promotion and mutual protection of investments;
  • A joint action plan (road map) for the development of automobile checkpoints on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh state border;
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the State Agency for Architecture, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.