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Turkey cancels visa-free regime for citizens of Tajikistan

Turkey has canceled visa-free regime for citizens of Tajikistan according to the decree of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. RBK reports, citing the official newspaper of the republic Resmi Gazete.

«It was decided to cancel the visa-free regime for holders of ordinary passports of Tajikistan during their trips to Turkey in accordance with Article 18 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458,» the newspaper reports.

The reasons for the decision were not reported.

After the March 22 terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, Turkey conducted several raids against supporters of ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia), which claimed responsibility for the attack. Hürriyet newspaper reported that among those detained was 37-year-old citizen of Tajikistan Faziljon A., who was preparing an attack in Turkey together with 41-year-old citizen of Kyrgyzstan Zulfia S.

The Tajikistani was to be the perpetrator of the attack, code-named Abu Ismail, and the Kyrgyz woman was his assistant. Both were longtime members of ISIS. Faziljon A. was arrested, Zulfiya S. was deported.

The terrorist attack was committed in Crocus City Hall on March 22. Thousands of people came to the concert of a music band. Four unknown men in camouflage, without masks, entered the building and began shooting people at point-blank range. After that they set fire to the hall. As a result of the terrorist attack, 143 people were killed and 360 more were injured. Ten suspects were arrested within the criminal case.