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Digital Development Ministry completely switches to electronic format

The Ministry of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan is switching to an electronic format. The press service of the ministry reported.

According to it, an interdepartmental meeting chaired by the Minister Nuriya Kutnaeva on the issue of excluding requested certificates by government agencies was held.

The minister expressed the willingness to switch to an electronic format of work, noting that paper certificates and documentation should be completely eliminated.

Nuriya Kutnaeva emphasized that the changes being initiated are aimed at making life easier for citizens and improving the efficiency of public services.

The meeting participants discussed the necessary measures and joint efforts to achieve a common goal, taking into account possible financial costs and changes to the legal regulations. The minister noted that the process may not be quick, but it must be completed.

The Ministry of Digital Development noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has done a lot of work to simplify process of obtaining a police clearance certificate. From now on, employees of the personnel departments of all ministries and departments should not request it when hiring. They can request this information in Tunduk system in electronic format if there is no data through the authorized body.

At the beginning of 2024, the number of requested certificates among government agencies decreased. As statistics show, there is a decrease in demand for certificates intended for further presentation to various structures in Public Service Centers.

Ministry of Digital Development

Government agencies have become more active in exchanging data in electronic format.