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Veteran of Armed Forces Anvar Sartaev detained

Anvar Sartaev, a veteran of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan, was detained. Lawyer Yury Skatnevsky and junior reserve sergeant Natalia Silina told 24.kg news agency.

According to them, Anvar Sartaev was detained on February 1. He is charged with committing a crime under Part 3 of Article 278 (calls for active disobedience to the lawful demands of the authorities and mass riots, as well as calls for violence against citizens) of the Criminal Code. On February 3, the Pervomaisky District Court chose for him a preventive measure in the form of detention for two months.

The lawyer notes that Anvar Sartaev has been a volunteer military human rights defender since 2005. He has repeatedly defended and restored the violated rights of military servicemen, employees of the State Penitentiary Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs and employees of law enforcement agencies. He raised issues significant for the development of the country’s power bloc.

«Anvar Sartaev has never called for undermining the state system of the country, his detention is politically motivated nature; the president, being the guarantor of the Constitution, should pay special attention to the legal outrage by the Interior Ministry against Sartaev,» Skatnevsky and Silina note and ask the head of state to take personal control of the criminal case against the detainee.

They add that there are no grounds for Sartaev’s detention, and he was arrested in violation of Article 96 of the Criminal Procedure Code. His interrogation as a suspect was not conducted at all.
