Director of Temirov Live charged with organizing mass riots

18:01, 17 января 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Aigul KUVATOVA

The director of Temirov Live and Ait Ait Dese, as well as the wife of Bolot Temirov, Makhabat Tazhibek kyzy, was charged with organizing mass riots. Her lawyer Ulan Seyitbekov told news agency.

Investigative journalist Bolot Temirov also posted on X (Twitter) that Makhabat Tazhibek kyzy and Azamat Ishenbekov were charged under Articles 41 (part 2) and 278 (part 3) of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. «That is, the two of them were recognized as organizers,» he noted.

The lawyer specified that the charge was brought on the basis of linguistic expertise of three materials posted on Temirov Live and Ait Ait Dese portals. «The accused are still in the Department of Internal Affairs; investigative measures are ending. After that they will be taken to the prosecutor’s office, and from there to the court for choosing a measure of restraint,» he said.

On January 16, the office of Temirov Live was searched and editorial equipment was confiscated. The police searched homes and detained 11 current and former employees of the media outlet.

The Interior Ministry issued a statement announcing that, as a result of «forensic linguistic examination» of content found on the social media pages of Temirov Live and Ait Ait Dese on December 30, criminal proceedings had been initiated against them under article 278, part 3 of the Criminal Code for «calling for riots.»