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Turkey hopes for Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border dispute resolution in March

Turkey voiced hope for Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border dispute resolution in March. Anadolu news agency reports.

«Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will hopefully resolve their border dispute in March. This will be a significant step for the security and stability of the region,» the Foreign Affairs Minister of Turkey told reporters after his meetings with Tajikistan’s President Emomali Rahmon and Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin in Dushanbe on January 10.

Turkey’s cooperation with regional countries continues to ensure stability in Afghanistan, said Hakan Fidan, adding that Tajikistan attaches exceptional importance to stability in the region.

Fidan stressed that Turkish and Tajik security forces would collaborate on radical organizations, indicating the existence of a mechanism in this regard.

He highlighted the full determination of the two countries’ leaders to advance relations at all levels and in all areas through joint initiatives.

The Foreign Affairs Minister of Turkey Hakan Fidan visited Kyrgyzstan on January 9, 2024. After a meeting and negotiations with the President of Kyrgyzstan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Speaker of Parliament, he left for Dushanbe.