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Cooperation between Orthodoxy and Islam discussed in Tomsk

Siberia — Territory of Dialogue International Forum, dedicated to the experience of cooperation between Orthodoxy and Islam, started at the Tomsk State University. The website of regional administration reported.

More than a hundred clergy representatives from Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Iran, Indonesia, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen participate in the forum.

Governor of the Tomsk Oblast Vladimir Mazur noted that Tomsk was chosen as the venue for the forum not by chance, since representatives of dozens of nationalities and different faiths have coexisted peacefully in the city for several centuries, and Orthodox churches are located within walking distance of mosques.

The main goal of the forum is to strengthen and develop the theme of deep and comprehensive development of cooperation and interaction between two world religions — Islam and Orthodoxy; demonstrate common efforts to preserve traditional values, develop effective mechanisms to counter global destructive forces, and give a joint response to the challenges and threats of our time.