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Weather alert: Frosts expected in Kyrgyzstan

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan issued a weather alert.

A sharp change in weather is expected in Kyrgyzstan in the morning, afternoon of October 31, and November 1-2.

Rains are forecast on October 31 in the morning and afternoon in most of the territory, snow — in the mountainous areas; intense precipitations are expected in some places of Chui, Talas, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Issyk-Kul regions.

The wind will reach 4-9 meters per second, in some places with strengthening up to 15-20 meters per second.

Air temperature is expected to drop on October 31 in the afternoon and November 1-2 with frosts in some places. In the mountainous areas of the republic, the temperature may drop to −8 degrees Celsius at night.

Such unstable weather will complicate the work of motor transport, communication enterprises, energy and utility services, grazing and keeping cattle on pastures.

Such frosts are dangerous for fruit and vegetable crops, dug and uncovered potato tubers.