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Sadyr Japarov attends opening ceremony of World Nomad Games

President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov attended the opening ceremony of the IV World Nomad Games, which was held at the stadium in Iznik town (Republic of Turkey).

As the press service of the head of state notes, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan greeted him before start of the event, then they, as well as the heads of other delegations, went to the stadium where the opening ceremony of the Games took place.

The solemn event consisted of a theatrical show dedicated to the Turkic world and the culture of nomads. Creative and dance groups of the countries participating in the Games performed, including about 30 cultural figures from Kyrgyzstan — Kambarkan folklore and ethnographic ensemble, soloists and a director’s team.

A parade of countries participating in the World Nomad Games took place. They will be held from September 29 to October 2 under the slogan «Keeping Unity and Traditions, We Look into Future!».

More than 3,000 athletes from 102 countries will take part in the Games. Kyrgyzstan will be represented by 148 athletes.