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Socialist International declares violation of Almazbek Atambayev's rights

The worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labour parties (Socialist International) expresses its deep concern about the health of ex-president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev. Statement of Socialist International published on the official site of the organization says.

According to the statement, on March 31, Socialist International (SI) publicly called for justice and protection of his health.

The SI Secretary General visited President Atambayev in his cell in Kyrgyzstan and witnessed his startling decline in physical health.

The Socialist International has repeatedly called on the government of Kyrgyzstan to provide emergency medical care for the former president, but to date, former president Atambayev has not received any medical care.

The global political network of Socialist International parties is now seriously concerned for his life along with the family of the former head of state.

As the Socialist International has previously stated, the detention, trial and sentencing of Almazbek Atambayev have not been conducted in line with the Kyrgyz Code of Criminal Procedure, in stark contravention of international judicial norms and the legal and human rights of the defendant.

According to the organization, president Atambayev has not had the opportunity to defend himself, and is now too ill to properly attend the ongoing trial personally. He has also been subject to mistreatment and abuse in prison, which has been corroborated by bruises found on his legs and arms by the National Center for the Prevention of Torture.

«Medical attention for prisoners is a fundamental human right. Such essential care is recognised by the United Nations, of which Kyrgyzstan is a member, in the UN Human Rights Charter, in the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners, adopted by the General Assembly in 1990, which states that prisoners should have access to health services without discrimination. The Socialist International once again calls on the government of Kyrgyzstan to uphold its duty and responsibility, as it has pledged to do as a member of the United Nations and in line with the fundamental pillars of a democratic society, protecting the rights of their citizens, to immediately facilitate urgent medical attention and care to President Atambayev,» the statement says.

The Socialist International will actively continue to monitor this situation and will not cease in its efforts to seek justice for Almazbek Atambayev.

From the statement of Socialist International

Almazbek Atambayev has still not been sent to the National Cardiology Center for a medical examination.

Several criminal cases have been initiated against Almazbek Atambayev, including on August 7-8, 2019 riots in Koi-Tash village, corruption and money laundering. Last summer, he was accused of illegal issue of passports to citizens of Turkey, as well as staging mass riots in October 2020.