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President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov visits History Museum

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov visited the History Museum, which opened after years-long break and reconstruction.

According to the president’s press service, during a state reception on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan’s independence, he presented the museum with the original diary of a prominent statesman Zhusup Abdrakhmanov.

«The head of state reminded that this year marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Zhusup Abdrakhmanov, one of the founders of Kyrgyz statehood, a prominent statesman and political figure. Sadyr Japarov presented the director of the Kyrgyz State Museum of History with the original diary of the statesman, which was handed over to him by the relatives of Zhusup Abdrakhmanov.

The President noted that the diary of one of the founders of Kyrgyz statehood was among the most valuable exhibits of the History Museum,» the press service reported.

According to the head of the Kyrgyz Republic, the manuscript is one of the important political documents of the XX century reflecting the most interesting and dramatic pages of national destiny, and will be under special protection of the state.

He also presented the museum with a special Ak Shumkar medal.

It is worth reminding that on August 31, 2021 the President signed a decree on awarding the highest degree of distinction «Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Baatyry» with the presentation of a special Ak Shumkar medal to Zhusup Abdrakhmanov for outstanding service to the state and the people of Kyrgyzstan and in connection with the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet statesman and party leader (posthumously).

Zhusup Abdrakhmanov was a Kyrgyz statesman and politician, the first chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Kirghiz ASSR. In 1924, under his leadership, the borders of modern Kyrgyzstan were finally determined. He is one of the founders of Kyrgyz statehood.