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Elections 2021: Observers of OSCE / ODIHR mission arrive in Kyrgyzstan

Observers of the OSCE / ODIHR mission arrived in Kyrgyzstan. At a meeting with the head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Nurzhan Shaildabekova, they noted that following the results of past campaigns, the CEC took into account the recommendations.

In particular, within the framework of the proportional system, the requirements for representation in Parliament of various social groups were taken into account and strengthened: not more than 70 percent of candidates of the same sex, at least 15 percent of candidates under 35, at least 15 percent of candidates with different ethnicity, not less than two candidates are persons with disabilities.

Requests regarding the status of candidates were met: the age was increased from 21 to 25 years old, the requirement for higher education was introduced.

Changing the age and the number of deputies to 90 people is a constitutional requirement introduced into the Basic Law.

The previous report of the OSCE / ODIHR notes the influence of the administrative resource on the election result, therefore the CEC introduced a rule that a candidate, from the moment of nomination, ceases to exercise official powers, if he or she is a public political employee (with the exception of a deputy of the Parliament or the president), a municipal political employee (with the exception of a deputy of the local council), the head of state, municipal enterprise, institution, enterprise with a state (municipal) share of more than 30 percent and their subdivisions.

In addition, from the moment of nomination until the announcement of the election results, the applicant suspends the execution of official powers, if he or she is a civil servant, regardless of the type of service (civil, military, law enforcement, diplomatic), municipal employee, and also a mass media employee.

One party can receive not more than 27 seats in Parliament.

A ban was introduced on the use of any signs of religious propaganda in campaigning activities, including campaigning near religious buildings, the use of a religious component in campaign materials. The key changes in the elections are also lowering the threshold, lowering the level of the electoral deposit, and changing the requirements for the candidate.

Deputy Head of Mission Poline Maria Lemos noted that 12 experts from nine countries have already arrived in Bishkek. At least 26 long-term observers, who will travel to the regions for monitoring, will join them next week. Closer to voting day, a delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will join the mission.

«The mission will assess holding of elections in terms of OSCE international standards, international standards of electoral law, national legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, including the work of election commissions at all levels, government agencies involved in the electoral process, and the process of resolving electoral disputes. First of all, we will evaluate the application of the recommendations of the previous missions. I am very glad that many of the recommendations were applied. We will have a systematic observation of the voting day — the opening of polling stations, counting, tabulation, media monitoring, which was not the case in the previous elections. The main goal of the mission is to be as close as possible to an objective, high-quality assessment of the electoral process. Based on the monitoring results, three reports will be made — interim, preliminary and final,» she said.

Elections are scheduled for November 28 in Kyrgyzstan. At least 54 deputies of the Parliament are elected according to a proportional system (from open lists of candidates of political parties) in single electoral districts, 36 deputies are elected according to the majoritarian system in single-mandate constituencies.